First I would like to bring attention to the Ron Paul Toolbar.  This is an add on for IE or Firefox.  Every time you use the toolbar a portion of the money goes to your favorite Ron Paul effort.  For the exact details I would check out their website.  In this example I am installing the IE version which works in both XP and Vista.

After downloading the 2.47MB executable file just double click to launch. Agree to the license agreement and accept the default path for the installation.  The install is pretty straight forward.


I would advise caution on this screen of the install and uncheck the two boxes otherwise it will change you IE default search provider.  Also, I am not a fan of sharing “anonymous” information with any program.

Once installed IE will automatically launch and you will see the bar.  Once caveat is when you do a search in the RP toolbar, the engine is Yahoo but if your cool with that and want additional money to go to the campaign it’s not too bad.

The other cool thing included is an easy way to access Ron Paul Radio via a mini media player … You can also add whatever streaming media, Podcast, or MP3 file of you choosing.

For more information regarding Ron Paul you can check out my video blog!